Pu$$y Holiday FREE online event
6:00 PM18:00

Pu$$y Holiday FREE online event

I want a world where all women are so connected to the pulse of their hearts and their vageys that their lives become a living expression of it. 

And if that sounds too poetic. I want you to get the bag and the hottest d*ck in town (or pussentia), while feeling immensely in love with yourself. 

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The Awaken as Love - Stage I
to Jun 17

The Awaken as Love - Stage I

The Awaken as Love Stage ! Initiation is a journey open to everyone – it begins with a choice to go on an adventure that will expand you beyond the boundaries of your current existence. What will it bring to you? More awareness, more love, more inclusion, more juice to your life and more depth if you allow it.

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Pvssy Hour
5:00 PM17:00

Pvssy Hour

Feminine energy is waking up in the world but our puʃʃies are still asleep.
If that word triggers you, you’re not alone. And it’s a natural consequence of the conditioning we have received around being a woman connected to her body and her senʃuality.

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Valentine's Day Couple's Connection Experience - in English
7:00 PM19:00

Valentine's Day Couple's Connection Experience - in English

Create a lush cocoon of connection with your partner this Valentine's Day

I'm excited to show you how a few simple practices that I will guide you through, can help you slow down and truly see each other’s beauty with your partner. How you can feel deliciously and joyfully connected to your sweetheart, as if you were seeing them with new eyes. And then take those practices with you to use in your everyday life.

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Pussy Hour - in Polish
4:00 PM16:00

Pussy Hour - in Polish

Wulwa i wagîna, cîpka, yoni - tam skąd wywodzi się życie i gdzie wszystko zaczyna. Jednak często tak nam odległa i niepoznana.

Kobieta połączona ze swoją cîpką to kobieta, która daje się prowadzić swoim pragnieniom - cudownego sεksu, pracy dającej spełnienie, apetytu na piękno wokół niej i w niej. Kobieta wolna.

Masz między nogami antenę, która pomaga Ci te pragnienia identyfikować i magnetyzować do siebie, aktywuj ją.

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