Emilia Lenda

Hi, I’m Emilia…

… and I’m so happy you’re here. Because you’ve arrived to a place where women get free. From what keeps us stuck in our smallness and ashamed of our vibrant sexual nature. If you crave a deep connection to yourself, mind blowing orgasmic pleasure and a sense of true aliveness, you’re in the right place.



Reclaim your pleasure & power to create the life of your dreams


About me

I spent many years in confusion about what it is to be a sensual woman. I was sexually abused as a little girl and that experience tainted me. When I found conscious sexuality work and tantra, they became my path of healing from the trauma. In the process, I uncovered boundless amounts of joy, aliveness and I opened myself to the glorious mystery of what it is to be a sexually vibrant woman. In 2020 I completed Sex Love and Relationship coaching certification with Layla Martin. And now I desire to guide you towards your own exquisite magic of your pussy.




How to work with me?

I offer private 1:1 online coaching, A loving deep dive into what stands in the way of you basking in your luscious sexuality. A path to reclaim your pleasure, your orgasm and an intimate connection with your feminine core.

You wouldn’t believe how good your body was designed to feel!


Pleasure slingshots a woman into a new paradigm




